Talon of the Silver Hawk by Feist Raymond E

Talon of the Silver Hawk by Feist Raymond E

Author:Feist, Raymond E. [Feist, Raymond E.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Adventure
ISBN: 9780380803248
Amazon: 0380803240
Goodreads: 13811
Publisher: Harper Torch
Published: 2002-01-01T08:00:00+00:00

Talon dried his hair with a coarse towel. He enjoyed bathing, though it had not been a regular part of his childhood. The Orosini had to heat water in which to bathe, since all the rivers ran with snowmelt year-round and only in the hot months of summer could one swim in the lakes and rivers of the mountains. In winter they sweated in the lodges and scraped off dirt with a stick.

He had been introduced to bathing at Kendrick’s, but there he had to use a tub, often after others had used it, so it seemed that all he was doing was trading his own dirt for someone else’s. But the Villa Beata had a wonderful set of rooms in which to bathe. It had three connecting baths with cold, warm, and hot water which were enjoyed by many folk in the community on a daily basis. And smaller tubs were available in each wing of the estate buildings.

After working or riding, he was glad to get the grime off and don fresh clothing. And every day there was fresh apparel in his clothes chest. He knew that other students were assigned work in the laundry, but it still seemed like magic to him. He would leave his dirty clothing in a hamper outside the door to the room, and when he returned from his studies or exercises, clean garments awaited him.

As he wiped his face dry, he felt the stubble along his jaw. He had started shaving the year before, in the same manner as Magnus, although the method preferred by the Orosini was to pluck each hair out of the chin one by one. Talon decided he much preferred a sharp razor.

Talon stropped the razor while Rondar and Demetrius came in from their baths. “What are you doing after supper?” he asked, lathering his face.

Rondar threw himself upon his bed, a coarse towel his only garment, and grunted something noncommittal. Demetrius said, “I’ve got kitchen duty tonight, so I’ll be serving and cleaning up. You?’’

“I’m free,” said Talon as he started shaving. “I thought we might build a fire in the pit down by the lake and see who turns up.’’

“It helps if you spread the word during supper that you’re doing so.’’

Rondar said, “Girls.’’

“An impromptu gathering is often the best.’’

“Well, tomorrow’s Sixthday, so no matter how tired you are in the morning, by midday you can rest.’’

“I can,” said Demetrius. “And he can”—he pointed to Rondar—“but you can’t. Didn’t you check the roster?’’


“You’ve got kitchen duty all day, sunrise until after last meal.’’

Talon sighed. “So much for a revel tonight.’’

“Well, it’s a good idea, even if you’re not going to be there,” said Demetrius.

“Yes,” Rondar agreed.

“Thanks. I think of it, and I can’t go.’’

“You can go,” said Demetrius. “Just don’t stay up too late.’’

“Wine,” said Rondar as he sat up and began dressing.

“Yes, we’ll need wine.’’

Demetrius looked at Talon, who grinned at him. “You’re the one in the kitchen tonight.’’

“If Besalamo catches me in the cellar again, he’ll cook and eat me.


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